Security Engineering
Knowing how secure you are is the first step. Let us help you discover EXACTLY your level of risk.
Reverse Engineering
Our team will disassemble your closed source application and discover any vulnerabilities that may reside within. This service will create a report with vulnerable calls made and how to go about fixing them, assuming you have the source. This can then be passed to our Exploit Development Lab to have a full working exploit built.
Exploit Development
Our team can punch through the process of constructing your very own custom built exploits. This also includes any finishing touches or conversion work. For example your penetration testing team needs to use an exploit but you don't want to risk the off the shelf "proof of concept" code. Have a "commercial grade" exploit built. This service can also be used to help customize shellcode to just run a single command or upload your rootkit. The possibilities are endless.
Source Code Analysis
Now that the developers are finished and you're ready to ship, don't risk shipping vulnerable or bug ridden code. Our team can quickly and efficiently scan your source code for weaknesses, and without skipping a beat work with the development team to implement fixes before shipment.
Incident Response
Ok, so your network has been penetrated. Don't make the mistake of having inexperienced and non-specialized engineers working with the logs trying to figure out what happened. Let an expert relieve your worries by accurately retracing the steps and quickly coming to a conclusion.