ONZRA offers a wide range of enterprise grade solutions. It is our philosophy to build reliability & scalability into a product from day one. Whether you're a new Web 2.0 startup or a widely deployed server infrastructure, ONZRA's team of architects can properly design and lay out the solution that is best for you.
Approach & Methodologies
Our accomplished team of architects and engineers has worked together closely for years. This allows our team to keep a low overhead and provide agile development.
At ONZRA we understand that developing software is not a linear process, but a continuous cycle. Our talented engineers can jump in at any point in your cycle to help you complete your project.
Development Technologies
As a highly scaleable customized development shop we have worked with a wide variety of technologies. From utilizing the speed of PHP for urgent web development, to relying on the stability of C & C++ for performance intensive applications. One of the most important pieces of efficient and reliable development is utilizing existing open source technologies.
ONZRA has experience with customizing and scaling Drupal as well as using frameworks like Zend, Doctorine, and CakePHP to get a head start on development. In addition to traditional applications, ONZRA has developed several apps for mobile devices including iPhones and Windows Mobile PDAs.