ONZRA's in-house team consists of expert Engineers, Developers, Researchers, Designers, and Security Specialists

Jose Avila
Jose Avila is the Director of Creative Development Services and a key research component for ONZRA. Jose has spent an astounding amount of time dealing with DNS implementations and security. He has also worked on improving the intelligence and capabilities of web application fuzzers and audit tools. Previously, Jose was a member of NeuStar's Software Architecture Review Board providing guidance on future application development and security. Jose has also lead many of their enterprise grade development projects including their Managed Internal DNS service that was globally deployed in some of the world's largest networks. Jose recently presented the paper "Recursive DNS Cache Auditing" at OARC, spoken at Black Hat, presented at RSA, and has given lectures at several universities hoping to bring security awareness to future developers. Jose also enjoys tequila tasting and collecting.

Lurene Grenier
Lurene Grenier is the analyst manager at Sourcefire Inc, and an active developer on the Metasploit Framework team. Her primary research revolves around the automation of exploit development when paired with intelligent fuzzing frameworks. She is an expert in reverse engineering, and has taught numerous well known professional security teams the skill. She was also responsible for the disassembly and patching of the recent Adobe Acrobat Reader 0-day vulnerability.

Steve Dugan
Stephen Dugan is currently an independent contract instructor and network engineer. He has been teaching Cisco networking for many years focusing on Router and Switch configuration, Voice/Data integration, and Network Security. His students come mostly from Fortune 500 companies, government/military and service providers. He also teaches private internal classes to Cisco Employees. As a Network Engineer he has worked on the design and implementation of large enterprise, government, and service provider networks.

Rodney Thayer
Rodney Thayer is a principle consultant with Ward Solutions, a network and infrastructure security consultancy based in northern California. His practice includes infrastructure network vulnerability research, secure network deployments, and networked security product analysis. He has a background in networking, security, and embedded systems software development. He has presented on network defense at Black Hat, ASIS, Toorcon, Infraguard. His current research focuses on physical security systems and their use of IP networking.